Sunday, March 6, 2011

List of (fairly) Common Canadian Heroes...

Here are some of the Canadians who come appear while searching the internet for Canadian Heroes...

Military-John McCrae (wrote "In flanders fields"), Billy Bishop, Isaac Brock, Laura Secord, Arthur Currie

Athletic-Terry Fox, Wayne Gretzky, Gordie Howe, Lauren Woolstencroft, Barbara Ann Scott, Steve Nash, Maurice Richard, Ferguson Jenkins

nash1.jpg.w300h379.jpg Nash from Victoria, B.C.

Scientific-Alexander Graham Bell, David Suzuki, Marc Garneau, Roberta Bondar, Maude Abbott, Willard Boyle

Political- Robert Borden, Chief Poundmaker, Pierre Trudeau, Wilfred Laurier (on the $5 bill), John A. Macdonald, Louis Riel

 5front.jpg Wilfred Laurier. 

Others: The Group of Seven (painters)...

This is just a sample of some of our nations' great heroes.  
also thanks to---- for helping me out.
AGREE or DISAGREE with any of the people up there??  Any notable omissions???
Feel free to comment!!!

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to a hero- how does time play into it? I.e. do we have to wait a certain amount of time to see if that person's heroic actions actually seem heroic once we have some distance from them? So, can we legitimately identify #87 as a hero? Or do we have to wait to see if his achievements stand up over time?
